/// So you've chosen Cosmic Ears, but which model is for you?
Cosmic Ears is a leading professional audio brand specialising in the design and manufacture of industry leading Custom In Ear Monitors (IEMs). In 2015, the first official Cosmic Ears IEM was launched, setting the stage for a brand defined by innovation and precision.
With a background in an avionics engineering they brought their expertise in signal processing and electronics, in combination with creative flair to the heart of Cosmic Ears. Alongside a dedicated laboratory team, every IEM in the Cosmic Ears range has been meticulously engineered from the ground up - crossover by crossover, and has been shaped by the input of world-renowned artists and sound engineers.
This dedication to detail and relentless R&D has earned Cosmic Ears its signature British Sound combining exceptional craftsmanship with state-of-the-art Balanced Armature technology. Today, Cosmic Ears stands as a testament to the perfect harmony of science and artistry in audio and product design.
So why Cosmic Ears?
In addition to having almost 10 years experience in making IEMs, they also produce all custom IEMs using state-of-the-art 3D software and 3D printing, this yields a much better fit but also cuts down production time, we can have your completed model back to us in just a few weeks. Cosmic Ears also use specific build techniques so that their IEMs offer enhanced isolation and can also withstand the rigours of everyday and on-the-road life - We'll also keep a copy of your ear impressions on digital file for up to 5 years too!!
Current models in the range are: C3A, C4A, C6A, C6R and C8A - If you would like to demo any of the Cosmic Ears custom in ear monitors please jump over to our demo sessions page, you can also view the options and prices by simply selecting from the models below...